Cookies Policy
Cookies Policy


In order to facilitate the user in a productive use of the contents and services offered on its pages, site utilises some own and third-party tools that make use of references generated in the User device, called cookies.

Pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), to the provision of the Italian Privacy Guarantor n. 163/2021, n. 255/2020, n. 161/2015, n. 229/2014; to legislative decrees n. 101/2018, nos. 69,70/2012, n. 196/2003; to the community directives nos. 136,140/2009; their additions, changes and application guidelines, the the required information documents are provided below.

Cookies consist of files in many ways similar to text documents, usually of very small size, which are generated and stored implicitly in the User device, to contain reference data useful for the interaction with corresponding local or remote services.
Cookies are mainly characterized by: name, value (explicit or variously coded), domain of relevance, persistence time, size, storage path on the User device.
Cookies can be inspected by the User: this information on the individual cookie, together with the list of cookies that a given page or web service possibly produces, can be read through the development and inspection tools integrated in the main browsers.
The current legislation lays down the obligation to prepare an adequate information document if the site is also potentially generative of cookies, which can happen simply by accessing a page, or by specifically requesting some features of the site.
In case of technical type cookies, that is to say strictly necessary for navigation and to provide a service for the exclusive intention and usefulness of the User, the generic preparation of this information discharges all due duties.
For different types of cookies, better defined below, detailed information is required. Such information is to be presented in the first evidence, as the User has to be placed in the free and informed condition of giving or refusing consent.
This document therefore provides this information, in-depth analysis of the notification which is briefly highlighted on the pages of the Site, prior to the release of said consent.

Generation: cookies can be generated only after the User’s consent has been issued, as anticipated; the so-called “technical necessary” cookies, better specified below, are an exception, for which the legislation does not provide for such limitation.
Consent: on this site consent is released by pressing the acceptance button that appears in advance on the pages of the site, together with a summary notification. In compliance with the interpretations of enhanced user protection, automated forms of release are not provided on the site.
Deadline: upon generation or updating, an expiry condition is integrated into the cookies, after which they are automatically deleted from the system. The permanence in the User device can be variously set on an operational or temporal basis depending on the service to which they bind. There are cookies that are destroyed at the end of the single browsing session, i.e. by abandoning the site, others that are deleted when the browser is closed, still others that have a fixed persistence in time. On this Site in order not to overwhelm the User with redundant recursive notifications, the duration of twelve months is assumed for this persistence, without prejudice to some technical types of greater brevity, as well as maintaining the possibility for the User to redefine his consent to his unconditional discretion.
Revocation: the User, at any time and for any reason, can revoke the consent previously issued, through specific options that the Site may possibly implement, or by using the tools indicated in the Privacy Policy of the third parties, as far as related to them, or simply by deleting cookies through the browser features with which the site is accessed. Each browser has similar procedures and immediate activation typically placed in the context of security settings. The links that refer to the official support of the most popular navigation applications are shown below: Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.
Settings: updated web browsers can also be set up in advance to accept or reject cookies, totally or selectively, just as they can provide so-called “anonymous” browsing modes which generally block the generation of cookies. The User can also take advantage of additional information and opportunities at the YourOnlineChoices, portal, or other similar ones, to better orient their web browsing preferences.
It should be noted that, in relation to the partial or total blocking of cookies, or similar references, the services that vice versa require them will be subject to partial or total unavailability.

THIS SITE without prejudice to the foregoing and following, in order to use this Site correctly, taking advantage of all the resources available and enjoying a more efficient and organized interaction, it is advisable to accept the cookies implemented on the site. They correspond to functions expressly dedicated to the User such as: attention to language preferences, attention to readability, descriptive immediacy, safety measures which both effective and minimally invasive, appropriate and easy cartographic references. These features are sometimes provided as additions to third-party services, selected from among the best known, widespread and authoritative. Obviously, the purpose of the Site is not to collect data from users but to offer them a tourist offer, if expressly requested. In correspondence with this spirit, the Site does not carry banners or advertising additions of any kind, in particular those related to automated profiling systems. At most, selections of initiatives, events, events related to the tourist calendar of the local mountain area will be found on the site, as information opportunities for their guests. Also the latter will not be generative of cookies.

Types: cookies can be enhanced with various types of data, referring in various ways to the User, his interaction on the web, the functionalities that generated them and that can use and update them, directly or in correlation with others. In general, they can bear, in an explicit or coded way, time markings, information on the device, on the connection and location of the servers involved, on browsing sequences and preferences, on any keys searched, etc. Some of these data may be collected for strictly technical purposes, or are essential to the service requested by user interaction: for example, the data necessary to allow the connection and query of the server hosting a given functionality or requested information. At other times, cookies are designed to improve the efficiency of the presentation of content and the provision of services, for example by recording some recursive routines or by keeping the functionality of the Site set according to the preferences defined by the User. At other times, they can serve as a reference for the accreditation of the User, generic or authenticated, i.e. to recognize him during the entire browsing session. They can also be used for protection and security purposes, typically in spam filters; or they can have statistical value, anonymous or identified, or even used to analyse in various ways User’s behaviour on this Site and eventually on others that share the same functionality. In summary they can be essentially a technical tool that allows the supply and improvement of a given service requested by the User; but they also have the potential to record parallel information, in correspondence and in exchange for the service provided, therefore with usefulness that may exceed the first intention and the strict interest of the specific User. In most cases, especially if the service provider is known and authoritative, cookies are used with discretion, legitimacy, fairness and measure, but it is also possible that situations arise in which the balance between these polarities is markedly unbalanced in favour of the service provider that generates cookies. This is the case for some uses of tracking and invasive profiling. There is no way for the User to implicitly be aware of it: for this reason and for their protection, the law establishes the obligation, for the owner of the site and for any third party suppliers as far as they are concerned, to explicitly specify and guarantee the nature of the interaction related to the cookies that may generate, as well as the need to obtain free informed consent.

Proprietary cookies and third party cookies: one of the elements that characterize cookies is the “Host” name, ie the name of the domain that sets it, can read it and update it. When the Host name is the same as the site hosting the page that generates it, there is a first party cookie, vice versa a third party cookie. On the former, the owner of the site can technically have full control over the functioning and nature of the enhancement, and it is therefore the last person to have to guarantee it. On non-proprietary cookies, the site owner has only the margin of discretion in choosing the service, nor can he operate directly, but only share the corresponding guarantees and third-party information with the User, inviting the latter to consult them. Without prejudice to the diligence of making himself available, on request and as far as he is responsible, to provide further explanatory information, should the need arise.

THIS SITE USES: technical, functional and anonymous cookies, i.e. cookies aimed at substantial activities necessary for the operation of the site and the provision of the service explicitly requested by the User: here, for example, to identify the preferred language and to give continuity to the operations and preferences made by the User in navigating the site. This includes the registration of any release or denial of consent, to avoid unnecessary recursion and redundancy of requests. Only cookies related to anonymous statistical aggregates are also assimilated to this type, as they are neither tracked nor profiling, aimed at the global analysis of site flows and security and not shared with third parties. For this type of cookie, a generic information provision is due and the explicit exercise of consent is not required.

Since the following functions, although formally included in this typology, are constantly evolving in a regulatory context that is not always univocally interpreted, therefore we proceed according to greater protection, and for their use an explicit consent is required.
reCAPTCHA: for sake of an efficient and safe management, the submission forms on the site are equipped with anti-spam protection supported by the well-known and widespread Google reCAPTCHA service. This functionality generates reference cookies and processes usage data, that is, it stores and analyses the data flows on the protected page. This to determine a sort of User certification, collecting or updating data referring to the interaction of the latter with the page itself, and possibly with other pages (of the Site or external to it) that implement the same technology. Aimed at identifying and filtering any spam interactions, the service is functionally hosted by the Site, but it is provided and processed externally to it and it is subject to Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. (provider for Europe: Google Ireland Limited – subject adhering to the Privacy Shield; place of treatment Ireland).
Google MAps Widget: provides an interactive cartography that the Site uses to indicate the geographical location of the accommodation and facilitate the calculation of distances and road routes to reach it. The processed data are both usage data, i.e. statistics on the use of the resource, the web pages that contain it, the devices and applications that request it, and other types of data, as specified by the same in the privacy policy of the service. The service, which uses cookies, is functionally hosted by the Site, but is provided and processed externally to it and it is subject to the provides an interactive cartography that the Site uses to indicate the geographical location of the accommodation and facilitate the calculation of distances and road routes to reach it. The processed data are both usage data, i.e. statistics on the use of the resource, the web pages that contain it, the devices and applications that request it, and other types of data, as specified by the same in the privacy policy of the service. The service, which uses cookies, is functionally hosted by the Site, but is provided and processed externally to it and it is subject to Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. (provider for Europe: Google Ireland Limited – subject adhering to the Privacy Shield; place of treatment Ireland)

THIS SITE DOES NOT USE: targeting, advertising, profiling cookies, i.e. cookies aimed at the aforementioned activities and, overall, to record the User’s interaction with the pages and web functions of a given site and, typically, also external now. Their use contributes to composing, with varying extension and descriptive depth, a characterization of the User, and with various intent they can be exercised: from the optimization of communication on one or more managed sites, to the provision of orientation services to third parties and promotion. They are therefore functions distinct from having a utility that exceeds the narrow one of the User, that is, it favours it marginally or only nominally, or not at all. They are implemented through the sharing of personal data, identifying or only partially anonymous, on one or more dedicated platforms, in order to guide the User’s web browsing and possibly its propensities, soliciting and punctuating content, resources and topics in a targeted way, products, rates, promotions, advertising and the like. In summary, they are not necessarily elements of negative impact, but they could be, and it is concretely very unlikely that the common User can fully verify their actual substance: without prejudice to the information guarantees due by the service provider. For this type of cookie, a detailed information preparation, adequate notification, and preventive blocking is due to the User until his consent is released, the latter unconditionally revocable.

additional information
For anything not included in this document, please refer for the related Privacy Policy, on this website. The owner of the site will also make himself available, on request and as far as he is competent, to respond to any further clarification requests.

date and changes
Last modified: November 26, 2021.

this website uses cookies
In order to facilitate the User in the use of the proposed contents, we make use of features that use cookies, as described in our Policy. To fully browse the pages of the site, it is therefore necessary to accept the generation of cookies by clicking here on the consent button.

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